...Frezarka Wattsan M4S z 4 wrzecionami jest przeznaczona do ciągłego przetwarzania materiałów. Wrzeciona robocze są wymieniane automatycznie, co znacznie ułatwia pracę operatora. Wrzeciona mają moc 6 kW i są wyposażone w uchwyt ER-32.
Tylko jedno wrzeciono może pracować w danym czasie.
Obszar roboczy wynosi 1300x2500 mm. Przetwarzany materiał jest mocowany za pomocą stołu próżniowego. Pneumatyczne ograniczniki i stół próżniowy umożliwiają szybkie i precyzyjne ustawienie materiału na stole oraz ułatwiają obróbkę dwustronną lub prostoliniową.
Due to the built-in ball screws, our CNC Router High-Z/T achieves an extremely precise accuracy and an almost no longer measurable backlash of about 0.01mm.
In addition, high travel speeds of up to approximately 108mm per second (6500 mm per minute) can be achieved.
Installation of protective housing and the suction socket is necessary for CE-compliant commissioning of our CNC machines.
X Axis Travel:1000 mm
Y Axis Travel:600 mm
Z Axis Travel:110 mm
Clamping area:1330 x 690 mm
dimensions:1330 x 870 x 575 mm
weight:51 kg
backlash:+/- 0,015 mm
accuracy:0,01 mm
max. rapid speed diagonal:30m/min
max. working speed diagonal:12m/min
WATTSAN A1 1313 machine has a working field of 1300×1300×200 mm, an ER-20 spindle with a power of 2.2 kW, and a water cooling system. A stepper motor controlled by the Yako 2405 driver is responsible for moving the portal.
The body of the machine is a welded structure made of steel profile, the weight of the machine is 500 kg. The maximum travel speed along the axes is 25,000 mm/min, the maximum speed in operation is 15 000 mm/min. Spindle speed can reach 24000 rpm. The table has a slatted T-slot cover. The machine is controlled by NcStudio software.
To upgrade this machine, we can install:
vacuum table.
DSP controller.
Chip removal system.
Manual auto lubrication.
More powerful spindle or additional cutting heads.
Rotary device for processing cylindrical products.
Tool sensor.
The laser cutter size XL-1600 is the professional solution for the laser processing of wood. With its modular concept and the easy handling it offers a future-oriented and efficient investment – just like all other laser cutting systems. With cutting and engraving tests performed on your individual materials we determine in advance the optimal configuration of your laser cutter.
Working area (w x l):2,270 mm x 1,600 mm (89.4" x 63")
DIMENSIONS (W X L X H):3,990 mm x 2,340 mm x 1,600 mm (157.0" x 92.1" x 62.9")
Max. material width:2,350 mm (92.5")
Material clearance:58 - 80 mm (according to material support)
Laser power:60 to 650 watt
Speed:1 - 1,414 mm/s (in steps of 1 mm)
Acceleration:max. 9.1 m/s² (358"/s²)
L'ensemble de nos produits est fabriqué sur mesure dans nos ateliers de l'ouest de la France (79). De la conception par le bureau d'étude à la réalisation par des menuisiers passionnés, chaque étape est soignée et réfléchie pour que le produit livré soit de la qualité souhaitée.
Choix de l'essence:Chêne, Hêtre, Sapin, Moabi, Noyer, Iroko, ...
Choix de la finition:Brute, laquée, vernis, lasurée, pré-peinture
Fabrication Française:Atelier situé à Val en Vignes (79)
Ob maschinelle Fensterbearbeitung, Türenbearbeitung, Automatisierung oder Sondermaschinen, wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner für maßgefertigte Komplettanlagen.
Holz arbeitet, lebt, verändert sich. Als lebendiger Rohstoff stellt es in der Bearbeitung besondere Herausforderungen an Maschinen und Prozesse. Je nach Materialstärke und -beschaffenheit sind höchste Präzision und der richtige Kraftaufwand gefragt, um Baustoffe und Werkstücke nicht zu beschädigen.
Mit unseren Maschinen stellen wir genau das sicher.
Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst vielseitige Anlagen: Von der Holzauflage bis zur Beschriftung und Weiterverarbeitung liefern wir genau die Maschinen, die Sie brauchen. Wir entwerfen Bearbeitungskonzepte für hohe Genauigkeit bei maximaler Geschwindigkeit. Und wir liefern Maschinen mit idealer Raumnutzung - so klein wie möglich, so groß wie nötig - die eine allseitige Bearbeitung der Produkte zulassen.
- Flachbett 3000x1500mm Dicken bis 25mm in einer Toleranz von +-0,1mm
- Rohre bis 3000mm Durchmesser bis ca 400mm im Hüllkreis
wir schneiden mit unserer Anlage für Sie Bleche und Rohre in jede Form .
Unsere hochflexibler C0² angeregter Laser schneidet alle denkbaren Kontouren aus ebenen Blechen.
Dank einer Integrierten Rohrachse ist das bearbeiten von Quadrat Rechteck und Rundrohren möglich.
Fraiseuse CNC /détoureuse CNC (router) de précision et facile d’utilisation, pour l’usinage de matériaux en plaques dans les secteurs de la publicité, de l’enseigne, de la signalisation, de la PLV, de la plasturgie, de la transformation de l’aluminium… Cette gamme de routers CNC est très polyvalente et convient à une multitude d’applications / matériaux.
Ahşap, Plastik, Pleksiglas, Alüminyum ve Strafor işlemek amacıyla kullanılan tezgahlardır.
Aluminyum konstrüksiyon sayesinde hafif ve hassas bir yapıya sahiptir.
Aluminyum ve lazer kesim sac gövdeye sahiptir.
Wir verfügen über modernste automatisierte Anlagen mit Lageranbindung und der Möglichkeit zur mannlosen Fertigung.
Regalbediengeräte entnehmen das Material von ihren Lagerplätzen und bringen es zu den zentral angeordneten Laserschneidmaschinen. Ebenso übernehmen sie die Rücklagerung der Teile. .
Für hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit und bestmöglichen Materialeinsatz verschachteln wir die Teile optimal.
Von Modellbau bis Hausbau: unsere CNC Maschinen für alle Fälle
CNC Fräsen für Holz-, Kunststoff- und Aluminumbearbeitung
Die Innovation macht auch bei den Rundstabfräsen nicht halt. So weisen unsere Maschinen zum zylindrischen Rundfräsen von Stämmen eine ganze Reihe von Neuerungen auf. Durch ihre modulare Bauweise kann jedes Gewerbe so passgenau die Typengröße und Ausführung auswählen, die es für die Holzbearbeitung spezifisch bedarf.
Ob Holz, Plastik oder Metall: Eine Fräse – unzählige Möglichkeiten.
CNC-Maschinen (Computerized Numerical Control) sind Werkzeugmaschinen, die durch den Einsatz von Steuerungstechnik in der Lage sind, Werkstücke mit hoher Präzision auch für komplexe Formen automatisch herzustellen.
Unsere vollautomatischen CNC Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen ermöglichen eine präzise und hoch qualitative Fertigung, und ermöglichen jedem Bearbeitungsunternehmen eine wirtschaftliche Einzelteilfertigung und Serienfertigung. Unter Verwendung eines CAM-Systems können die Daten
Durch unsere großes Sortiment an Spanplatten, MDF-/ HDF-Platten und Sperrholz schneiden, bearbeiten und veredeln wir Ihre Produkte zeitnah und ganz nach Ihren Vorgaben.
Aus Massivholz oder Plattenwerkstoffen entwickeln und produzieren wir Holzprodukte für die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche.
Mit diversen Maschinen fertigen wir vielfältige Industrieprodukte aus Holz in Serie an. Nach Ihren Wünschen und Anforderungen bieten wir individuelle Serien- und Einzelanfertigungen. Auch eine Fertigung nach IPPC ist möglich.
Oder darf es für Sie eine Lösung in Verbindung mit anderen Werkstoffen wie Metall, Kunststoff oder Leder sein? Wir machen es möglich!
Sklejka liściasta wyprodukowana jest z wyselekcjonowanego surowca, dzięki czemu jest mniejsze pylenie podczas obróbki, krawędzie po cięciu są bardzo precyzyjne, a grawerowane detale są niezwykle wyraźne i dokładne. Dostępna jest również w wersji z filmem melaminowym.
Das optische Bohren ist ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal der cms electronics. Sie als Kunde profitieren durch eine höhere Platzierungsgenauigkeit für Produkte wie LED-Applikationen, Sensorik usw.
In der Präzisionselektronik nimmt cms electronics eine Vorreiterrolle ein.
Eine eigens konzipierte und entwickelte Bohrmaschine wird zum optischen Verbohren von Aufnahmesysteme von PCBs verwendet. Die in einem eigenen vollklimatisierten Raum aufgebaute Anlage ist in der Leistung für eine 6Ϭ Prozessfähigkeit bei 50µm ausgelegt. Erreicht wird dies durch ein komplexes Zusammenspiel von hochauflösenden Kameras, genauesten Positioniervorrichtungen und einer perfekt abgestimmten Software.
Der Einsatz von Opto-Bohren ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen für hochpräzise Leiterplatten-Systeme bei LEDs wie sie in den Beleuchtungsanwendungen z.B. der Matrix-Scheinwerfer-Technologie im Automotive-Bereich Verwendung finden.
Thanks to the robust steel frame, our T-Rex CNC mill enables you to produce precisely, quickly and cleanly. Even with workpieces made of hard material, you will achieve ideal results, thanks to the high stability of the CNC machine, which is guaranteed by the robust construction.
On this machine, you can even process thicker plate material, as the clearance height of the Z-axis is 200 mm.
Versatile application possibilities: drilling, cutting or engraving in different materials such as plastic, wood, granite, marble, stone and metal can be done with high accuracy.
Basic equipment:
> vacuum table with several zones
> manual central lubrication
> KinetiC-NC control software
> ergonomic control panel with integrated CNC control
> full version of the design software ConstruCAM-3D
> Estlcam software
CE-compliant commissioning of our CNC machines requires the attachment of the protective housing and the exhaust connection.
X axis travel:1200 mm
Y axis travel:1300 mm
Z axis travel:200 mm (300/400 mm optional)
Clearance height:220 mm (320/420 mm optional)
Clamping Area X :1230 mm
Clamping Area Y:1320 mm
Machine lenght:1970 mm
Machine width:2150 mm
Machine height:1950 mm
Weight:900 kg
Backlash:+/- 0,015 mm
Repeat accuracy:0,01 mm
max. rapid speed:17000 mm/min
max. oprerating speed:12000 mm/min
CNC milling and engraving machine WATTSAN М1 1616 belongs to М1 series, that is considered more technically sophisticated than A1 series and has a massive frame. The frame is more stable and allows process more complex parts. The machine is applicable for cutting of wood, MDF, chipboard, acryl, plexiglas, PVC, aluminum, composite. Using WATTSAN М1 1616 you can also perform a 3D milling.
WATTSAN М1 1616 has a grid type working table of 1600×1600×300 mm, but additionally we can install a vacuum table, that holds the sheet material in place and significantly ease the process. Max speed of movement along axis is up to 25 000 mm/min, max working speed is 15 000 mm/min. Spindle rotation speed can reach 18 000 rpm. The machine controlled by NC-Studio control system.
We can modernize the machine with the following: vacuum table, DSP controller, chip removal system, automatic lubrication, more powerful spindle or additional cutting heads, rotator for cylinder shaped parts, tool sensor.
Wattsan M4S milling machine with 4 spindles is intended for continuous material processing. Working spindles are changed automatically that significantly facilities the operator’s work. Spindles have power of 6 kW and come with an ER-32 collet chuck.
Only one spindle can be in operation at a time.
The working area is 1300x2500 mm. The processed material is fastened by the vacuum table. Pneumatic stops and a vacuum table make setting of the material on the table fast and accurate and facilitate double-sided or straight-line processing
CNC wood milling machine WATTSAN A1 6090. Ideal for rapidly starting production. Despite the fact that the model belongs to the CNC wood router machine for beginners, complex products are made with this machine.
1) Solid cast iron frame ensures reliable and high processing accuracy.
2) It is possible to complete the machine with a 4th rotary axis.
3) Attractive to entrepreneurs starting their business as it is easy to use and quickly pays off.
Thanks to the robust steel frame, our T-Rex CNC mill enables you to produce precisely, quickly and cleanly. Even with workpieces made of hard material, you will achieve ideal results, thanks to the high stability of the CNC machine, which is guaranteed by the robust construction.
The Yaskawa servo motors installed on all axes bring speed and precision to the production process.
Versatile application possibilities: drilling, cutting or engraving in materials such as plastic, wood, granite, marble, stone and metal can be done with high accuracy.
Basic equipment:
> vacuum table with several zones
> manual central lubrication
> KinetiC-NC control software
> ergonomic control panel with integrated CNC control
> full version of the design software ConstruCAM-3D
> Estlcam software
CE-compliant commissioning of our CNC machines requires the attachment of the protective housing and the exhaust connection.
X axis travel:3000 mm
Y axis travel:1500 mm
Z axis travel:200 mm (300/400 mm optional)
Clearance height:220 mm (320/420 mm optional)
Clamping Area X :3030 mm
Clamping Area Y:1520 mm
Machine lenght:3780 mm
Machine width:2350 mm
Machine height:2100 mm
Weight:1800 kg
Backlash:+/- 0,02-0,03 mm
Repeat accuracy:0,01 mm
max. rapid speed diagonal:50000 mm/min
max. oprerating speed diagonal:35000 mm/min
WATTSAN 0609 mini
Desktop cnc wood milling machine WATTSAN 0609 mini for processing materials on a small area. Ideal for rapidly starting production. Despite the fact that the model belongs to the cnc wood router machine for beginners, complex products are made with this machine.
The rigid frame of the machine and cast iron side posts allow the gantry clearance to be increased up to 450 mm, while the Shimpo planetary gears enable the machine to process even hard metals with high constant precision. Heat treatment of the frame relieves stress from the metal. This ensures long-term operation while maintaining the accuracy and rigidity of the whole equipment.
WATTSAN М9 1325 has a working area of 2500х1300х200 mm and a T-slot slatted table. The complete set of the machine includes a water-cooled spindle with the power of 7.5 kW and ER-32 collet chuck. The portal is driven by YASKAWA servomotor and steppers. The milling machine is controlled by an operator through Weihong NCStudio control system. Unlike the junior model, this machine supports the automatic tool change option.
The machine body is a welded structure made of steel profile; the weight of the machine is 1500 kg. The maximum travel speed along the axes is 50 000 mm/min; the maximum travel speed during operation is 20 000 mm/min. The spindle speed reaches 24 000 rpm. The machine is controlled by NCStudio software.
On request, the machine can be equipped with a vacuum table, a DSP-controller, a Syntec control system, an aspiration system, a more powerful spindle or an additional spindle, a rotary device to process cylindrical objects, and a tool sensor.
WATTSAN М1 1313 has a grid type working table of 1300×1300×200 mm, but additionally we can install a vacuum table, that holds the sheet material in place and significantly ease the process. The construction includes a spindle ER-25 with collet and power of 2.2 kW, water cooling system. The portal moved by step engine driver Leadshine 860. Operator controls the machine with control system NC-Studio.
Frame of the machine is welded from steel profiles construction; weight of the machine is 700kg. Max speed of spindle movement along axis is up to 25 000mm/min, max working speed is 15 000mm/min. Spindle rotation speed can reach 24 000 rpm.
We can modernize the machine with the following: vacuum table, DSP controller, chip removal system, automatic lubrication, more powerful spindle or additional cutting heads, rotator for cylinder shaped parts, tool sensor.
CNC milling and engraving machine WATTSAN A1 1616 is a cost efficient, easy-to-use and multi-purpose equipment. The machine performs a cutting and engraving, also WATTSAN A1 1616 can perform a 3D milling.
WATTSAN A1 1616 has working area of 1600×1600×200 mm, spindle ER-25 with power of 2.2 kW, water cooling system. The portal is moved by step engine controlled by driver Yako 2405. Operator controls the machine with control system NC-Studio.
Frame of the machine is welded from steel profiles construction; weight of the machine is 500kg. Max speed of spindle movement along axis is up to 25 000 mm/min, max working speed is 15 000 mm/min. Spindle rotation speed can reach 24 000 rpm. The working table has a T-slot grid plate.
We can modernize the machine with the following: vacuum table, DSP controller, chip removal system, automatic lubrication, more powerful spindle or additional cutting heads, rotator for cylinder shaped parts, tool sensor.
CNC wood milling machine WATTSAN M1 1325. Ideal for rapidly starting production. Despite the fact that the model belongs to the CNC wood router machine for beginners, complex products are made with this machine.
1) Solid cast iron frame ensures reliable and high processing accuracy.
2) It is possible to complete the machine with a 4th rotary axis.
3) Attractive to entrepreneurs starting their business as it is easy to use and quickly pays off.
The Shimpo planetary gears enable the machine to process even hard metals with high constant precision.
Heat treatment of the frame relieves stress from the metal - this is done in every Wattsan CNC machine designed to process wood. This ensures long-term operation while maintaining the accuracy and rigidity of the structure.
Work area = 1300*2500 mm
Spindle power = 4,5 kW
Controller = DSP A11
Weight = 690 kg
Machine size = 2000*3040*1780 mm
WATTSAN M1 6090 machine has a working field of 600×900×200 mm with a slatted table cover. A spindle with an ER-20 collet chuck and a power of 1.5 kW, together with a water cooling system (for stable operation of the machine) are included in the basic package. The body of the machine is a welded structure made of steel profile, the weight of the machine is 500 kg. The maximum movement speed along the axes is 25000 mm/min, the maximum speed in operation is 15000 mm/min. Spindle speed can reach 25000 rpm. The machine is controlled by NcStudio software.
To upgrade this machine, we can install:
DSP controller.
CNC milling and engraving machine WATTSAN A1 1325 is a multi-purpose equipment for engraving, cutting and 3D milling sheets of materials.
WATTSAN A1 1325 has a grid type working table of 1300×2500×200 mm, but additionally we can install a vacuum table, that holds the sheet material in place and significantly ease the process. A spindle ER-25 with collet has power of 3 kW, water cooling system. The portal moved by step engine controlled by driver Yako 2405.
Frame of the machine is welded from steel profiles construction; weight of the machine is 800 kg. Max speed of movement along axis is up to 25 000 mm/min, max working speed is 15 000 mm/min. Spindle rotation speed can reach 24 000 rpm. The machine controlled by NC-Studio control system.
We can modernize the machine with the following: vacuum table, DSP controller, Syntec control system; chip removal system, automatic lubrication, more powerful spindle or additional cutting heads, rotator for cylinder shaped parts, tool sensor.
WATTSAN M1 2030 wide-format machine has a large working area of 2000×3000 mm with a slatted table top. The design includes a spindle with an ER-25 collet chuck and a power of 6 kW. An air cooling system and a built-in vacuum cleaner for collecting wood chips and dust are also available for an additional fee. The leadshine 860 stepper motor driver is responsible for moving the portal, the machine is controlled by the operator through NcStudio.
The body of the machine is a welded structure made of steel profile, the weight of the machine is 1400 kg. The maximum travel speed along the axes is 25 000 mm/min, the maximum travel speed during operation is 15 000 mm/min. The spindle speed reaches 24 000 rpm.
If you want a more upgraded machine, we can install:
Vacuum table.
DSP controller.
Syntec control system.
chip removal system.
manual auto lubrication.
more powerful spindle or additional cutting heads.
rotary device for processing cylindrical products.
tool sensor.